Secure Your Future.

1-on-1 Tutoring Designed for IB Students

Our focus is entirely on IB students

ensuring you receive the highest quality of tutors and IB support available

What you can expect:

Access to Experienced IB Tutors

All tutors achieved 43+ IB score, 7 in teaching subjects, 3+ years tutoring experience

Personalised Learning Plan

Your plan is developed and monitored to ensure your goals are achieved

IA / EE / TOK Support

Support is available for marking, idea generation and development in your assessments

Ready to begin?

Past Student Stories

Harry S

Received Tutoring for Maths AA HL, Chemistry HL & English Literature SL

Final IB Score: 45 (2023)

Learn about our featured student, Harry, and how he achieved his IB goals here

Harry is just 1 of 2700+ IB students we’ve helped to reach their goals

Discover more student success stories below

Sol O (42)

Read how Sol navigated the IB with the assistance of his tutor

  • Sol moved into the IB program in Sydney from New Zealand recounted that "I wanted to come into Australia at a program that I knew was difficult in a strong position."

    The relationship with his tutor evolved beyond academic support, fostering a unique bond that enhanced Sol's learning experience. "The bonds that I formed with my tutor was really unique...we were able to form, you know, friendship outside of study," he shares, indicating that this rapport contributed significantly to his comfort and willingness to engage deeply with his studies.

    This connection was further enriched by their shared experience of attending the same school, allowing for a deeper understanding and relatability. "Going to the same school, even, it furthers that kind of relationship. I think it's really unique," Sol reflects, appreciating the insider knowledge and tailored advice his tutor could offer.

    Sol strongly advocates for the tutoring program, emphasising its role not just in content mastery but in learning how to learn and manage one's studies effectively. He advises future IB students to view tutoring as a long-term investment, saying, "I feel like it works best as a long-term investment if you do it over the two years."

    His journey underscores the importance of early and consistent engagement with tutoring services to build a solid foundation for academic success and personal growth within the IB program. Sol now studies Commerce (International) at the University of New South Wales.

Alex R (44)

Learn Alex’s story from achieving a 7 to becoming an IBT Tutor.

  • Alex's journey from an IB student to a tutor encapsulates the essence of overcoming educational challenges through personalized support. Facing an unsupportive school environment, especially in English class, Alex sought help outside. "Filled in the gaps where that teacher was failing," she found solace and growth in IB tutoring in Sydney, which tailored its approach to her aspirations.

    Achieving an impressive score of 44, Alex transformed her struggles into a mission to help others, saying, "I understood how, at least, I would like to be tutored," and aimed to prevent others from enduring similar negative experiences. Now a tutor herself, she emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to each student's needs: "I always ask the student what they want to do."

    Alex's story is a testament to the transformative power of empathetic, student-centered education, demonstrating how the right guidance can turn challenges into triumphs.

Jamie S (45)

Discover how Jamie ensured top scores in all his subjects.

  • Jamie, a dedicated student with dreams of studying abroad, aimed high: he wanted to score a 7 in all his IB subjects, with a focus on English Language & Literature HL and Business Management HL. Feeling that his school's support fell short of his ambitious goals, Jamie sought specialised tutoring to bridge the gap to success. Jamie says, "Given the time frame at which I started tutoring in Year 12, I certainly did achieve my original goal," reflecting on the effectiveness of his tutoring experience.

    The personalised tutoring approach was critical. Jamie valued the rapid and detailed feedback on his queries and past paper attempts, facilitated through instant communication like WhatsApp messages. This strategy wasn't merely about covering the curriculum but mastering it, building the confidence Jamie needed for any exam situation.

    The use of constant testing and IB past papers by his tutor proved crucial, ensuring Jamie was not only familiar with the material but also adept at handling various exam scenarios. This meticulous preparation honed his study skills and allowed him to tackle his subjects' complexities with confidence.

    Jamie's journey is a testament to the power of determination paired with customised tutoring. This approach not only met his academic needs but also propelled him to achieve his ambitious target: scoring a 7 in all his IB subjects.

IBT students achieve:

40.2 - Final IB Score

26%- Mark Increase (2 Grade Boundaries)

91% - Accepted in 1st University Choice

** based on 2023 IBT Graduate Average